Why treat just the signs of canine osteoarthritis (OA) when you can actively treat the disease?

Special diets, supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs can play a part in managing joint disease but none of them specifically address the underlying cartilage deterioration. Once cartilage wears away completely, it can’t be restored so it’s vital to help maintain its use.1 That’s what makes Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) different. It empowers you to proactively treat the disease and not just the signs of canine osteoarthritis.2

Adequan Canine canine joint damage

INDICATIONS Adequan® Canine is recommended for the treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis and associated lameness of canine synovial joints.

How To Use Graph How To Use Graph

The one joint prescription
that works differently.

Adequan® Canine is the only approved PSGAG disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) that is proven to inhibit cartilage loss in a dog’s synovial joints.2

Discover if Adequan® Canine is the right choice.

Know the early signs of OA.

The first signs of OA often appear as subtle changes in a dog’s behavior. Left unrecognized and untreated, this degenerative joint disease can progress to more severe signs that can adversely affect long-term mobility. Some of the early warning signs include:3,4

  • Unusual body positions when resting or sleeping
  • Struggles to get comfortable - frequently changes positions
  • Stiff, slow or shaky when getting up
  • Shifts weight while standing
  • Reluctant to sit, walk or climb stairs
  • Has trouble squatting to eliminate
Adequan® Canine Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) Sterile Injection 100 mg/mL
INDICATIONS Adequan® Canine is recommended for the treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis and associated lameness of canine synovial joints.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Adequan® Canine is for veterinary use only. The prescribing information contains complete use information which includes dosing, contraindications, warnings and cautions. Always read, understand and follow label and use directions. PLEASE CONSULT the Full Prescribing Information.
1. 2016 NAVC Proceedings, Osteoarthritis in Dogs and Cats: Novel Therapeutic Advances, M Epstein, DVM, DABVP C/F, CVPP; K Kirkby Shaw, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS, DACVSMR.
2. Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan sterile injection 100 mg/mL), Package Insert IN00502C. American Regent, Inc.
3. Clinician’s Brief, Aug 2013, Canine OA, DA Canapp, DVM, CCRT, CVA, DACVSMR.
4. Face validity of a proposed tool for staging canine osteoarthritis: Canine Osteoarthritis Staging Tool (COAST), T. Cachon, O. Frykman, J.F. Innes, B.D.X. Lascelles, M. Okumura, P. Sousa, F. Staffieri, P.V. Steagall, B. Van Ryssen, COAST Development Group, The Veterinary Journal, 235 (2018) 1-8.
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