About Adequan® Canine

There’s nothing else like it for dogs.

Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) is the only approved PSGAG disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) that inhibits cartilage loss in the dog's synovial joints, and may help to:1

  • Restore joint lubrication
  • Relieve inflammation
  • Renew the building blocks of healthy cartilage

That’s what makes Adequan® Canine different from a supplement or NSAID. It proactively treats the disease and not just the signs of canine osteoarthritis.1

Horse running in stable

Backed by science. Proven over time.

  • The efficacy of Adequan® Canine has been demonstrated in two studies, a laboratory study and a controlled field trial.2
  • Prescribed for over 25 years (includes U.S. approval) to help control signs associated with non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis of canine synovial joints.1
  • It’s been proven to inhibit enzymes that break down cartilage, so joint damage is reduced.1

Rethink OA: Be Proactive.

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Be proactive with it: Make mobility a "vital sign" at every visit. Ask the owner about any changes that may indicate onset of a joint problem.

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Start with it: Prescribe Adequan® Canine early, at the first clinical signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD) before it progresses to irreversible cartilage damage.1,3

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Stay with it: Then, continue to prescribe it as needed to manage the stages of arthritis.

Canine osteoarthritis can progress over time and affect dogs at every stage of life. Don’t wait until the signs become serious and debilitating or until the dog is in its later years to begin looking for OA. Once cartilage wears away completely, it can’t be restored so it’s important to help maintain its use.3

Discover if Adequan® Canine is the right choice.

Do you know there’s also Adequan® for horses?

Adequan® Canine Polysulfated Glycosaminoglycan (PSGAG) Sterile Injection 100 mg/mL
INDICATIONS Adequan® Canine is recommended for the treatment of non-infectious degenerative and/or traumatic arthritis and associated lameness of canine synovial joints.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Adequan® Canine is for veterinary use only. The prescribing information contains complete use information which includes dosing, contraindications, warnings and cautions. Always read, understand and follow label and use directions. PLEASE CONSULT the Full Prescribing Information.
1. Adequan® Canine (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan sterile injection 100 mg/mL), Package Insert IN00502C. American Regent, Inc.
2. Data on file.
3. 2016 NAVC Proceedings, Osteoarthritis in Dogs and Cats: Novel Therapeutic Advances, M Epstein, DVM, DABVP C/F, CVPP; K Kirkby Shaw, DVM, MS, PhD, DACVS, DACVSMR
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